Monday, October 15, 2007


~~~~~Horse Trader In new Scam to unsuspecting horse buyers.~~~~~~ Beware of a horse trader/dealer etc. Who is representing horses as being ranch raised-Kid safe and trained by there ranch. Her name is Casey Taylor she has several alias Casey Dunavin, By Faith Ranch,C.P.White. Cand D Custom Colts and the latest is R & C Gentle Family Horses.. She has lists of bad horse sales, lawsuits pending, BBB complaints, Rip complaints etc. Her email however is This is the notorious Russell Taylor From Pittsburgh Texas. (Killer horse buyer/trader) They set up appointments and have the horses medicated to ride gentle and calm. Then sell a horse and offer to deliver also.They purchase horses from primarly at local sales Monday, Wed,. Thur. And Sat. Longview,Sims,Emory and De Kalb. They are horses they know nothing about and are not healthy.
There were theft charges filled in Upshur county in August. There are other charges pending in Cass, Marion, Bowie, Counties.
References: They have people that will GIVE references BY EMAIL Only. We have had AOL confirm that these are Casey Taylors email addresses. They will not give you phone numbers for references. We were taken for A SUBSTAINTIAL AMOUNT OF MONEY on 3 horses and injurys were not mild.. We are pursing legal action however Im trying to warn others so the dont have to endure the pain and money we have lost. She advertises on Agdirect and> Dreamhorse. We have been contacted by several people in order to go to the Attorney General to stop them from scamming people out of thousands of dollars And to stop children from being hurt or permanently damaged. If you have been taken by these people please feel free to contact me for further info and the attorney (s) handling the matter. Please send to other horse lookers.